
Showing posts from August, 2019

Better Learning at Extramarks with Multiple Intelligence Test

The Multiple Intelligences concept offers a relatively simple and accessible method to understand and explain people's preferred ways to learn and develop. Therefore the Multiple Intelligence theory is very important to modern education because its main point is that every individual has eight bits of intelligence and they all work together in a unique way. It is very important for students’ self-esteem that they find their strengths and that they know how to use them. It is therefore important for teachers to know how to work with the different bits of intelligence and be able to use various teaching methods. The activities have to be appealing and suitable for the students and it is good to work with different bits of intelligence together in order to get the students to develop the intelligence that they are weaker in. Understanding the numerous ways that children acquire knowledge enables teachers to use a variety of strategies to reach children with different types of i...

Get to the Package Details of Multiple Intelligence Test

The Extramarks app provides with a detailed core structure of the package that it has. It gives a detailed description of how it works, its various conditions and also the package quality. It also encourages youth to take a look at how what are the conditions of working within it. The app also compares the packages and finds out the best available for one. It has descriptions of each package separately so that the users are not confused and can make a choice rationally without being harassed about multiple options blinking over screens. It gives an overview of the functions that are included within the package. Thus, this is not only used for education oneself with books and resources but also makes one aware of the outgrowing number of institutions and their package. It makes all understand how these packages work. Are they even beneficial or not is also examined by experts of the app. They make our work easier to deal with. The package details of mit are thus the primary content ...

Get IIT JEE Ready with Extramarks

IIT JEE is an exam held annually for entry to the top   engineering institutions. Every year a huge number of student s appears for this exam, but a few of them get the desired institutions. Remaining again prepares and appears for the exams. Therefore the numbers of aspirants are increasing every year and competition is getting tough. It is conducted just after Class 12 board exams, therefore students have the pressure of double preparation. First they have pressure for board exams, second, they have pressure for this entrance exams. Extramarks is the one-stop solution for students to deal with both these pressures. Extramarks provides a set of study package for the Board classes at the same time it also provides engineering course materials and smart coaching classes for the JEE. Therefore over the last few years, Extramarks has become the first preference of the students. The course materials provided by Extramarks are designed as per the latest exam pattern by the experts...

Study Material for ISC Class 11 Political Science

Political Science has challenged the students for a very long time now. The subject deals with the intensive theory that can challenge the students. The theory and multiple details can be tough for students to learn and understand. The subject deals with contemporary politics and political history. The students can sometimes feel that they have too much on their plates. Studying from the textbooks can be a good option for the students but most of the times it is not enough. The textbooks are without a doubt a good source of learning but students need to put in some extra effort to achieve their academic aspirations in the times of growing competition. Online study portals can be a good source of learning and can give the students an edge over their fellow study mates. Extramarks-the learning app is one of the most reliable sources of studying online. The app has multiple interactive learning solutions helping the students become better and efficient learners. The app has study m...

Engineering Preps Made Easy with Extramarks

The National Test Agency(NTA) will be conducting the JEE paper in the online mode. The JEE is the entrance test taken by the students in order to get admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology. The difficulty level of the exam is increasing every year and students need to put in all their hard work in order to ace the examinations. The engineering course material on the JEE prep app by Extramarks is a comprehensive learning tool for the students preparing for JEE. The app is designed and updated by keeping the latest changes in the pattern of the exam and format in mind. Students can test their knowledge and gain confidence regarding the JEE by attempting the rich question bank designed by expert teachers having a proven track record. Attempting the question bank and various other tests students can become efficient in managing time in the exam. The questions in the app have been designed by keeping in mind the difficulty level of the exam. The National Level Weekly tests organi...

Medical Entrance Preparation with Extramarks

Medical entrance exams are very tough to crack so students prepare over the years. Even after several years of preparation only a number of students get selected in the exam and get their desired department in a prestigious college. There is a very limited number of sets but the aspirants increase every year. So Proper guidance is a must to crack this exam and get to the desired college and become a doctor. Extramarks, an online learning platform that has been providing study materials for school students of six different boards, brings to you smart coaching centre to help students get exam ready and crack the exam. Extramarks smart coaching centres provides a new way of learning and preparing. It is equipped with the top-class technology that makes it actually smart. The best in class faculties, who has a long experience of teaching and producing results, simplify the complex and tough to understand concepts into smart and easy to understand capsules. With it's well structur...

Class 11 Accountancy Solutions at Your Fingertips!

Class 11 Accountancy is a new subject for the students and they can face difficulties in understanding the subject. The subject is a combination of theory and practical knowledge making it even harder for the students to master. The subject has lengthy numerical and topics. Studying from the textbook and classroom learning is not enough for the students and they need a secondary source of learning to get hold of the subject completely. Apps like Extramarks-the learning app helps students by giving them access to the study material and the learning guides. The study material on the app is curated by experts making it an ideal source of learning. The app has many other learning solutions for the students. The app consists of audiovisual learning solutions like graphic content and video lectures. The video lectures can be very helpful for the students in learning the subject better. The video lectures are more engaging and provide students with a more immersive learning experience. ...

Commerce Study Material for ICSE Class 11

The students of ICSE board often face challenges in looking for the learning sources that can help them assist the learning they gain from the classrooms and textbooks.The ICSE Class 11 Commerce study material can help the students to prepare for the exams and also perform better in the classroom. Various apps claim to be the best learning app in the market but most of these apps have study material only for the students of the CBSE board. Having access to a good and reliable source of E-learning can also help the students of the ICSE board.

Statistics for Class 11 Economics

Every one finds Economics class 11 Statistics chapters to be boring while studying. Examining all those data and memorizing various statistical data of the Indian Economy, etc. It is not everyone's cup of tea. Therefore, Extramarks is offering to help you do that in an easy and fun way. Extramarks is an online e-learning site that offers an excellent education to those students who are determined to do well in their exams. It has techniques that help students grasp the concept easily and make them find interest in their lessons. Some of them are, Pie Charts, without which the Economics lessons are incomplete, online video tutorials also help students to clear their concepts. Apart from that, you can watch PowerPoint Presentations and get access to step by step explanations of every chapter. It also offers notes to students that are well detailed and explains everything in a simple language, so that students don't spend too much time understanding. Extramarks is truly the sm...

Study Materials Found Online for ICSE Class 11 History

History offers data on information about how people and societies lived and behaved in the past. History helps provide identity. Historical data contains information about how families and even nations were formed and how people came to power or others fell to ruin. The purpose and perspective of history are vital in order for individuals to realise how it would be almost impossible for us to live out our lives effectively if we had no knowledge of the past. Also, in order to gain a sound knowledge of the past, we have to understand the political, social and cultural aspects of the times we are studying. Studying History also tell one what decisions worked in particular situations in the past and what didn't. This can be useful when making decisions today in similar situations. Also studying why Empires collapsed may give one insight into how to efficiently run their countries. Knowing the importance it holds, school curriculum across the world puts emphasis on the subject and th...

Learn Geography with Extramarks

Geography is a scientific subject, we have to learn about different geographical phenomena and geography of a particular region. Learning Geography is fun with Extramarks. It provides distinguished study material for conceptual clarity. Extramarks provides a comprehensive set of study material for ICSE Class 11 Geography. This includes syllabus, study notes, textbook solutions, a question bank, sample papers, and online tutorials. It also provides online mentor support for making better use of this study material. All these are created by top faculties, who have a long experience of teaching Geography, strictly based on the syllabus so these are a reliable source. ICSE Class 11 Geography notes , provided by Extramarks, helps students in several ways such as conceptual clarity and quick revision. The textbook solutions give them ideas for presenting answers. Regular solving of question bank makes students comfortable and confident in the subject. Sample papers also include previou...

Learn Better with Extramarks

Every student is not comfortable to go to a coaching center or refer a teacher who's teaching a certain topic. Some individuals prefer to study in a cozy and safe environment. Even parents feel it is better for their children to get educated in a safer environment in a world where bad things happen almost every day. Extramarks Education, an online learning portal, provides a wide range of facilities for students at the comforts of their home taking into consideration the things that are expected of a teacher and the issues of parents. Extramarks allow students to obtain various skills and to gain access to various techniques of learning that help them improve their performance. Extramarks provides a fully integrated learning experience for students of all ages. The app offers solutions to various problems ranging from NCERT solutions to responses to all the doubts a kid has. This website provides study content for all KG-12 subjects and classes. Extramarks gives online coaching...

Study Material for ICSE Class 11 Biology

ICSE Class 11 Biology is a subject that introduces students to many new topics and chapters. The topics are filled with details and scientific names for various organisms that can be really hard for the students to remember. A secondary learning option can always help the students learn better however the online study material available for the students of ICSE students is very less and they often have to rely on their textbooks and teachers for learning. Learning from textbooks is good but not always enough. Some topics in the textbooks are cut very short and just give a brief explanation to the students. In order to learn better and score well on the exams, the topics need to be learnt and understood in greater detail. Extramarks- the learning app is one of the leading names in the education field and one of the most reliable sources to study online. The app consists of a detailed study material designed and curated by the expert academicians of the country. The easy to underst...

Mathematics Is Easy with Extramarks

Class 11 is a foundation class for Class 12. The marks of Class 11 doesn’t matter but the marks of the class 12 matter. It decides students’ future and their dreams of entering the desired college. Class 11 mathematics is completely different from the Mathematics that students learn up until Class 10. It is application based. Students can’t mug up topics in Mathematics . They need to have conceptual clarity so that they can apply it in different questions. It requires hard work. Mathematics is also very much exhaustive. As time is changing so is the requirements of the students. As we have seen several changes in the teaching practices over time, from oral to digital. This digital age demands digital education, that can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. Extramarks, the learning app, caters to this changing demand and requirements of the students. It provides a definite new way to prepare for the exams. It provides a customised and holistic learning experience. It simplifies comp...

Learn Virtually and Effectively

Today, technology has so much advanced that neither do you need books, nor papers, pens, pencils, etc, to acquire education. What you need is just the thirst for knowledge and a computer with an internet connection. This is the generation of virtual learning and it can be done with this basic requirement (computer/mobile/laptop and internet) which almost everyone possesses. Truly, the oncoming of virtual learning has changed the world in such a way so that a person in pursuit of a good education does not require to move out of her/his house or be at any particular place at a prescribed time. They can easily learn while sitting at home, munching on snacks and at 1 am in the morning. Virtual learning includes picture demonstration and explanations with the help of charts, which is more effective than blackboard learning. You don't even have to interrupt a person or disturb someone if you don't understand something, all you are required to do is to replay and listen again. The ex...

Science Experiments for Kids Made Fun at Extramarks

At Extramarks each module is curated by brilliant academicians and technologists to produce the most user-friendly and innovative options for students and teachers to access. Extramarks understands that each child is unique and nuanced and has different interests and needs. Keeping that in mind it makes provision for kids of all ages, K-12 to use Extramarks in a manner that it benefits them not only in school but also ensures intellectual growth on a personal level of engagement. Science experiments for kids are available on Extramarks with certain goals in mind. Kids attention span can be limited and their interest must be captured within the first few minutes of introducing a new concept or an idea. Extramarks makes science experiments for kids fun through interactive learning making it easy for both teachers and parents to explain concepts to their children. It is the perfect bridge between school and home. Why should learning be limited only to school? Extramarks through scien...

App to Enhance Spoken English

Enhance your spoken English with the help of Extramarks which is an excellent English Spoken App for those who think that their English skills can use a little sharpening. You can hone your Speaking skills and perfect your grammar and pronunciation using this app. Extramarks is an App that will provide you with new content every day so that you can learn something different and fun every day. It teaches you the pronunciation of the English words using various techniques that are meant to make the students learn right away. You can also expand your vocabulary by learning new words. Extramarks use casual language and illustrations to explain a new word. It also uses that word in a sentence so that you get an idea of how that word can be used in different contexts. Later, you can also take a mock test of those words you learned. As a figure of speech, idioms, synonyms, acronyms are all parts of spoken English, Extramarks make sure that you have them at your fingertips. You can also inc...

Prepare for IIT JEE with this App

The National Test Agency(NTA) will be conducting the JEE paper in the online mode. The JEE is the entrance test taken by the students in order to get admitted in the Indian Institute of Technology. The difficulty level of the exam is increasing every year and students need to put in all their hardwork in order to ace the examinations. The IIT JEE test prep app by Extramarks is a comprehensive learning tool for the students preparing for JEE. The app is designed and updated by keeping the latest changes in the pattern of the exam and format in mind. Students can test their knowledge and gain confidence regarding the JEE by attempting the rich question bank designed by expert teachers having proven track record. Attempting the question bank and various other tests students can become efficient in managing time in the exam. The questions in the app have been designed by keeping in mind the difficulty level of the exam. The National Level Weekly tests organized by Extramarks is one of ...

Preparation for NEET Using a Digital Learning App.

The NEET is known to be one of the largest exams for offering Medical and Dental courses after AIIMS and JIPMER. The result of this exam determines a medical aspirants career path. Thus, achieving a good performance in this exam holds a lot of importance for them. However, in order for this to be possible, a lot of preparation is required. To make things easier for the students, Extramarks, the pioneer in education information technology, has prepared the NEET Test Prep app. There are many benefits of studying using this app, viz., 1. Access to large range of courses based on CBSE NEET, AIMPT, JIPMER, PGI, CET, etc. examinations. 2. Learn based on the world class pedagogy of Learn-Practice-Test. 3. Evaluating personal progress based on the performances in the practice tests. 4. An In-built calendar that helps in planning the study schedule. 5. Solutions are customizable based on the students need. 6. Complete access to previous year question papers with complete solutions. ...

CA Final Made Easy with These Study Materials

Chartered Accountancy(CA) is one of the most sought after professions in the country. Aspirants spend years after years to clear the various levels of examination in order to succeed. The difficulty level of the examination is increasing with every passing year. The aspirants need to work really hard and burn the midnight oil to have a good score and a good rank. Hard work, dedication, and a firm mindset are very important in order to succeed in these examinations. The preparations need to be at a very high level. The competition for these examinations is increasing every year as the number of applicants is increasing. It is very important to have good knowledge about all the concepts and theories related to this examination however, it is not enough. Applicants go to various coaching centers in the hopes of being guided towards success but they always are in search of some extra study material. Extramarks is an online study portal that ha helped over six million students and has ...