Class 12 Chemistry Solved Board Papers on the Extramarks App

Extramarks has a huge variety of study material to refer to when preparing for the boards. Class 12 Chemistry Solved Board Papers can be easily found at Extramarks to prepare well for the exams along with a few tips to score well.
  1. Students who are weaker in Mathematics should concentrate more on Organic Chemistry. Organic Chemistry carries 18 marks and it is one of the most important units in Chemistry for every student who wants to get better marks in Chemistry and also wants to pursue Chemistry in any way.
  2. In Inorganic Chemistry, p-Block Elements and d-Block Elements together constitute 13 marks section. It is a tough ask to mug up both the chapters in a quick time, it would be ideal to study the notes of these chapters too. The questions from the inorganic chemistry are directly asked in the paper.
  3. The last three chapters like Biomolecules, Polymer and Chemistry in Everyday life should be prepared really well as they are the easiest. They together constitute 10 marks and students should not dare to take these chapters lightly as it really affects their final marks in Chemistry. These are definitely easy chapters but do not keep it for the last minutes or do not take them lightly at all.
  4. Physical Chemistry should be read in an appropriate manner and with diligence. First of all, each formula from each chapter should be learnt. Students should then try to solve related problems based on those formulas.
Download the application and practice as many Class 12 Chemistry Solved Board Papers  as you want to excel in the exams.


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