
Showing posts from December, 2019

ICSE Maths Class 9 Solutions and Guidelines to Make Math Easy Is Now on Extramarks

Class 9 is a critical and decisive year in a student’s life, which is why much focus is directed towards learning concepts and understanding the basics. This would prove to build a stronger foundation for students for the next academic year. One of the most critical requirements to achieve this is to have access to a reliable and resourceful tool that provides a clear understanding of topics covered in the textbook, making learning hassle-free. Extramarks ICSE Class 9th Maths Solution envisions to equip students with a ‘learning at a glance experience. Extramarks aims to deliver just that by providing ICSE Class 9th Maths Solution to help students to prepare effectively for their upcoming board exam. By referring to ICSE Class 9th Maths Solution students can understand the solving process easily. It will help them to memorize the process for the long run. The ICSE Class 9th Maths Solution focus on giving the students the correct process to solve all types of questions asked in the ...

ICSE Maths Class 9 Solutions and Guidelines to Make Math Easy Is Now on Extramarks

ICSE Maths Class 9 is one of the lengthiest and challenging subjects of all as it contains more than 38 chapters. The chapters given inside the ICSE Maths Class 9 textbook are tricky, and students often get confused about what is the right kind of solution. Extramarks provides Solutions for ICSE Maths Class 9 using which students can prepare well in their examination. All the ICSE Maths Class 9 Solutions is designed by Extramarks subject experts who have tremendous academic experience. Extramarks ICSE Maths Class 9 Solutions act as a step-by-step guide and are helpful when doing homework and preparing for the examination. ICSE Maths Class 9 help students to understand concepts better so that they can practice anytime, anywhere. Extramarks ICSE Maths Class 9 Solutions are available on their website and cover all the concepts in detail. Their Maths Class 9 Study Material act as a free guide to leap ahead in one's academic life. Extramarks provides step by step solutions for Ma...

Get the ICSE Class 9 Biology Solutions from the Extramarks Learning App

The students of ICSE Board are bound to face a lot of issues while studying Biology as the content of the chapters consists of a lot of diagrams and scientific names which are fairly difficult to remember. The students do not know about any learning app or website through which they can learn all the concepts in less time. For the students, Class 9 is one of the consequential years due to this they need to be more focused regarding their studies. To make the students get a good score in the final examination and to get well versed with all the concepts of Biology, they are free to access the syllabus along with the   ICSE Class 9 Biology solutions  from the website of Extramarks. They can get clarity regarding the fundamentals of the subject by watching the free video lectures curated by India’s best faculty. After watching the video lectures, it is easy for the students to remember all the important concepts.

Study Material for ICSE Biology Class 9 Is Curated by the Best Faculties on the Website

Students face a lot of challenges while studying Biology as there are too many scientific names which are way difficult to remember and due to which it becomes a bit tough to understand the entire content of the chapter in a single attempt. The textbooks of Biology have a very lengthy content of each chapter which is fairly difficult to understand. Class 9 is one of the important academic years for a student, so they have to focus on their studies more in order to grasp the concepts quickly and easily. ICSE Biology Class 9 is all about Ecosystem, Nutrition, Digestive System, etc. Students of ICSE Biology Class 9 have to face a lot of difficulties in studying biology from their textbooks as there is no study material is available on the Internet through which they can get the concepts easily. Extramarks assist the students in getting rid of these issues.  Extramarks is an educational technology institution that has developed a user-friendly learning app for the students to ev...

ICSE Economics Class 9 Solutions on Extramarks to Get Good Grades

Economics is a subject of production, distribution, and consumption of Goods and Services. According to Alfred Marshall, “Economics is a study of man in the regular business of life. It studies how he gets his income and how he utilizes it. Thus, it is on the one side, the study of capital and on the other and more significant side, a part of the study of man.” Extramarks gives students a collection of Previous Year  ICSE Economics Class 9 School and Sample Question Papers to help them get feedback on their strengths and weakness.  ICSE Economics Class 9 Previous Years School and Sample Test Papers will also give you an understanding of the pattern of questions expected in the test papers.  ICSE Economics Class 9 course covers the following: The first unit is an introduction to economics. It covers the definition of economics, micro and macroeconomics: meaning, example and differences, Type of activities: Economic and Non-Economic their meaning, example and diff...

The Study Material Provided by Extramarks for ICSE Economics Class 9 Helps Students

Studying Economics in ICSE Class 9 is challenging, and hence, needs efficient study materials that provide students with deeper insight into each theory. Extramarks give study materials for ICSE Economics Class 9 which will help students to get a better score in their final examination. Extramarks provide comprehensive study materials that consist of video lessons, revision notes, question banks, and relevant question papers which will help students to clear all their theories. All of Extramarks study materials can help students to revise all the concepts as they provide an emphasis on the important topics of each chapter. Extramarks study materials for ICSE Economics Class 9   are created by subject matter experts who have taught in various ICSE schools across the nation. To give a better learning experience for the students, Extramarks provides ICSE Economics Class 9 solutions such. At Extramarks, they understand that learning Economics is difficult, so they also provide ...

Are you Looking for ICSE History and Civics Class 9 Guide? Get it on Extramarks

The chapters in ICSE History and Civics Class 9 Guide are as follows- Our Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Duties And Directive Principles of State Policy, Elections and the Election Commission, Rural Local Self-Government, Urban Local Self-Government, The Harappan Civilization, The Vedic Period, Jainism and Buddhism, The Mauryan Empire, The Sangam Age, The Age of the Guptas, The Medieval India: The Cholas, Medieval India: The Delhi Sultanate, The Mughal Empire, Composite Culture, The Modern Age in Europe and Industrial Revolution. Studying these chapters will make the students aware of the major happenings of the past right from ancient age to the present age. the students will also have inferences about the types of government, the idea of India’s constitution, the origin of different religions and the rule of the different kingdoms. Students are always in doubt about the approach to study this subject as this paper of History and Civics may have the lar...

ICSE History and Civics Class 9 Guide Study Materials are Available for Students

The following chapters consist  ICSE History and Civics Class 9 syllabus - Our Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Duties And Directive Principles of State Policy,  Elections and the Election Commission, Rural Local Self-Government, Urban Local Self-Government, The Harappan Civilization, The Vedic Period, Jainism and Buddhism,  The Mauryan Empire, The Sangam Age, The Age of the Guptas, The Medieval India: The Cholas, Medieval India: The Delhi Sultanate, The Mughal Empire,  Composite Culture, The Modern Age in Europe and   Industrial Revolution. The civics chapters will teach the students about the basic structure of governance of this country, the history chapters will teach the students about the - different kings and different kingdoms in different periods, the formation of different religions and the events in medieval India and the industrial revolution has changed this world forever. ICSE History and Civics Class 9 Guide prepared by learned teach...

Get The Best ICSE Class 9 Geography Solutions on Extramarks Today

Class 9th Geography can be pretty challenging for students. Full of latitudes, longitudes and survey maps plus the various types of rocks. Add all that together and there is a lot that students have to prepare to ace their exams. And in the 10th board exams, the topics also come from the Class 9th Geography course as well so it is better to be well prepared and well versed with the subject from the beginning of the academic year.  One way to study is to go online to look for  ICSE Class 9 Geography solutions  Online learning platforms have exploded in recent years. They can give students the necessary tools to shine in any subject with their study material. Extramarks can be regarded as a benchmark when it comes to providing ICSE Class 9 Geography solutions to the students. With its awesome feature that can change the way, students approach their studying. Features like Performance track that can help students get a better idea of which areas of their subjects they ne...

Get ICSE Class 9 Geography Solutions on Extramarks Today and Start Preparing

Class 9th Geography can be pretty challenging for students. Full of latitudes, longitudes and survey maps plus the various types of rocks. Add all that together and there is a lot that students have to prepare to ace their exams. And in the 10th board exams, the topics also come from the Class 9th Geography course as well so it is better to be well prepared and well versed with the subject from the beginning of the academic year. One way to study is to go online to look for ICSE Class 9 Geography solutions . Online learning platforms have exploded in recent years. They can give students the necessary tools to shine in any subject with their study material. Extramarks can be regarded as a benchmark when it comes to providing ICSE Class 9 Geography solutions to the students. With its awesome feature that can change the way, students approach their studying. Features like Performance track that can help students get a better idea of which areas of their subjects they need to put mo...

Study for ICSE Class 9 Computer Science with Study Material Prepared by Extramarks

In ICSE Computer Applications Class 9 Syllabus there is one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and Internal Assessment of 100 marks. The paper is divided into two sections: A and B. Section A consists of mandatory short answer questions comprising the entire syllabus. Section B (60 marks) consists of questions that demand detailed answers and there is a choice of questions in this section. 1. Operating System i) Introduction to Operating System The necessity for an operating system, characteristics, and uses of an operating system and experience with installing and uninstalling software. Uses and features of an operating system (examples of a single user and multiple users) familiarize the students with installation and un-installation of connected peripherals and other related software like dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. ii) Graphic User Interface Working with the Graphical User Interface (GUI), Elements of a GUI, handling files and dir...

Prepare for ICSE Class 9 Computer Science with Study Material by Extramarks and Ace the Exam

For students who have chosen Computer Applications as their preferred subject in Class 9, it can get a bit challenging since it is a completely new subject to them. Bear in mind that the computer application of class 9th is not the same as the subject computer of their previous classes. In Computer Application, Class 9 ICSE students are introduced to programming languages like C++ and java. It can become quite difficult for students to learn something that is so new for their minds. Fortunately in this day and age, one has access to the internet and laptops in their homes and it would be better to take advantage of this facility one has rather than going to a coaching center to study. Using an online learning platform that provides computer application Class 9 ICSE for students can be very helpful. Students can learn with the material provided online and practice the practical side of the subject on their system directly and get their doubts cleared quickly by the Extramarks expert ...

Learn all About ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 from Extramarks App

Students who are in ICSE Class 9 will agree about the tremendous amount of theory and difficult some of the concepts can be in all the subjects. It is a class that demands time and again revision of all the previous work. All the concepts in the ICSE syllabus for Class 9, as they will create a base for the concepts of class 10 subjects. There are various ways to excel in the ICSE syllabus for Class 9, for eg. one can solve previous year question papers and also sample papers to get a blueprint of the types of questions for exams. The blueprint of the question paper is necessary for a student as it tells them a lot about what to attempt first or how much time each segment of the paper will take. All this can be found at a single place i.e. Extramarks app. The Extramarks app contains sample papers for all the classes. And for a better understanding of subject plus of question paper, the app contains various types of sample papers along with previous year question papers. The Extramarks ...

Cover Complete ICSE Syllabus for Class 9 from One App

ICSE syllabus for Class 9 is completely new for students as the subjects get divided and the level becomes higher. And understanding the concepts of Class 9 is very important as the concepts are used in Class 10. ICSE syllabus for Class 9 can be covered tricky from one source. There are many apps available in the market for study purposes. But many of them provide study material for CBSE board only and not for ICSE. Extramarks app can help students in covering their ICSE syllabus for Class 9. It is an online study app and is one of the highest-rated educational apps recommended to the students. Extramarks app is the best secondary source of education for students. The app has all the essential study material from the textbook plus it also has various interactive learning tools to boost the learning process. Students can invite their friends for friendly quiz matches thus making learning fun. The app can easily replace the coaching centers and tutors by allowing students to study in ...

Extramarks Board Papers with Solutions for ICSE Class 10 Geography

Geography explores earth, places, and the relationship between people and the environment. While studying Geography as a subject in the ICSE curriculum it is difficult for students to find a right helping tool or resource which can provide all the possible solution. Only course books are not sufficient to perform well in exams. Students must study and practice with online sample papers for the subject. Online study material is very useful to study and evaluate the understanding of the topic on a greater level. Previous years solved board papers area very useful study material exam for preparation. Students need to learn and practice the solved papers to revise their curriculum before exams. If you are exploring for the best online study material of Geography, then Extramarks is the only entrusted name. Extramarks delivers Online study material for ICSE Class 10 Geography for all important topics and chapters. The Online study material for Class 10 Geography includes expert content fr...

Computer Science for ICSE Class 10 Solutions | Extramarks

Extramarks is an answer to all the questions regarding the sample papers or the study material and for  ICSE Class 10 Computer science . Students often find this subject confusing, mugging up steps and theory. It gets a bit tedious and tiring and often subject of not exactly remembering the chapters. Extramarks brings a remedy and solves this problem. Extramarks solves this problem by being an all-time solution being a guide to the students opting for ICSE Class 10 Computer Science. Extramarks prepares you as per the scope of the weight age of the chapters in the question papers and provides sample papers for Computer Science which has made it a bit easier for the students. The following link would be of help to the students of Class 10 pursuing Computer Science covering topics from Java, Arrays, Data Representation and many more. The programming language Java is a bit complicated and demands complete understanding on behalf of the students to have a full conceptual unders...

Learn Physics for Class 10 with Fun with Extramarks

ICSE Class 10 Physics can turn into a nightmare if the students slack. The subject is highly demanding and needs the students to be constantly practicing solving problems, revising concepts; solving mock tests, etc consistently. This not only is an exhausting process but can often be very overwhelming for those students who are not particularly fond of the subject. The students also struggle with meeting their own expectations as well as those of their parents and their teachers throughout the academic session. The textbooks for ICSE Class 10 Physics taught in school often have very limited examples (if any at all) explaining the concepts and also are notoriously known for just simply stating the definitions of seemingly important terms and concepts without explaining them at all. If the teachers in school fail to deliver the lessons efficiently, it can lead to the students feeling disheartened and helpless. Students are, therefore, often compelled to resort to seeking assistance...

Comprehensive Study Material for 10th Class ICSE Chemistry

Class 10th ICSE Chemistry is one of the subjects that students find very difficult to understand. The difficult equations and reactions that the subject has to offer, often makes it look very tough to crack and understand. To get the hold on a subject like Chemistry, students need to practice daily. Students can opt for practice papers available on Extramarks for this purpose. The practice papers provided by Extramarks on their website and app help students in performing practical and learning the equations better. Daily practice helps them in better retention of what they’ve learned. Students can refer to the study notes provided by the portal and then after studying them, they can take regular test papers to clear their concepts. 10th Class ICSE Chemistry requires a lot of practice as there are so many equations and reactions that cannot be mugged up. Students need to understand these equations and reactions to be able to score well in their exams. The practice papers are designed ...

Extramarks Has Been Rated 10/10 by Students Testimonial

Extramarks has always believed in simplifying student’s life by helping, guiding and thus becoming their holistic classmate. Education is the most important thing in life and forms the most important building block. And referring to external sources for better understanding and knowledge of the subjects taught in school is a common practice. Students often feel lost and face retention issues. However, with Extramarks, they have improved  not only their understanding of the concepts or study material but also have secured better marks. The interest in learning new things, newer concepts have been further aided by Extramarks via new age teaching tools like the interactive 3D video series of complex subjects like Physics. The videos based learning optimizes the retention and eases the learning process. Better retention leads to better marks. This trend is observed in general with students who have subscribed to Extramarks. They feel more confident, have a better understanding of the ...

TOEFL Courses Making Exam Preparation Easy by Extramarks

Test of English as a Foreign Language(TOEFL) is an English proficiency test that is mostly taken by the students who wish to study abroad. The test is challenging and demands hard work and dedication from the students. A student needs to have a very good hold on and understanding of the English language. The test examines the students on the basis of multiple aspects and they need to perform optimally in all the aspects. To ensure a good preparation for the test, students need to have a good understanding of the  TOEFL course  and its constituents. The test is costly and requires a very good amount of hard work in order to clear it in the first attempt. The students can feel pressured and as a result join a number of coaching classes and learn from multiple sources. This makes them feeling exhausted at all times and leaves them with no time to indulge in self-study. Students can highly benefit from a source that can provide them with all the required learning material and stu...

Prepare for your IIT JEE Entrance Examinations with Extramarks Study Application

Coaching online IIT JEE is becoming popular among aspirants to engineer. The professional faculty of Extramarks is a group of teachers and experts who share the passion of guiding and mentoring all students through JEE coaching who want to make it to the IITs. By developing effective JEE Main and Advanced coaching programs that help students achieve top ranks in JEE Main and Advanced exams as well as their Class 12 board exams, it has emerged as India's top online IIT coaching institute. The JEE advanced classes or IIT Online Classes provide a great opportunity for all those who wish to prepare from the comfort and confines of their home. And, those who are looking for IIT Tuition without any add on pressures of travel and overhead expenses. With Extramarks: Online Exam Preparation App , Preparing for IIT has become simple and fun, this has also contributed to a positive success and growth rates and has helped children to get into their dream college. With this Exam Preparatio...

Extramarks: The Best Exam Preparation Application for Engineering Aspirants

JEE Advanced is one of the world's most successful and demanding entry exams, a title that has blossomed over the past 60 years.  Cracking JEE is a highly coveted vision, sought after by many, and accomplished by a very small group of people redefining hard work and perseverance. Each student preparing for JEE knows that every step he or she takes will require careful thinking and intensive premeditation. Each JEE seeker wants to begin his journey on the right note. And the first thing to decide is what they want to take JEE coaching class. One of the best ways to prepare for JEE is to prepare with Online Exam Preparation App Extramarks. It's a successful JEE cracking recipe, and choosing the institute will make aspirants realize their true potential. Unwavering commitment, commitment, and desire to excel come from within, but they do not matter unless they are complemented by the Extramarks Online Exam Preparation App , proper guidance, mentoring, and peer support. Although...

Prepare for IIT JEE Mathematics with the help of IIT JEE Maths Video Lectures Online

Success is where preparedness and opportunity meet," as Bobby Unser rightly said and sensed aspirants of JEE Main. If you are an aspirant of JEE Main, not far away is your chance to succeed, all you need is the right training for it. Mathematics is the highest-scoring of all three subjects in the 2019 JEE Main exam. It is a question focused on formulae and calculations. Nevertheless, for JEE Main Maths, there is a proper prescribed syllabus that is huge, even though it is largely identical to the syllabus of Class XII. It would be easier for you to plan well with the aid of JEE Main 2019 math preparation tips. Preparation tips for JEE Main Maths 2019 will help you get a clear picture of what the topics you need to read are, important books to refer to, and much more. A word of caution here is that for JEE Main, all the topics are important. The topics presented here are indicative because Extramarks experts in their study material and IIT JEE Maths Online Free Video Lectures hav...

Get IIT JEE Maths Online Free Video Lectures on Extramarks YouTube Page

Mathematics is, in reality, an essential part of the human race, the most vital part of the entrance. Chemistry, physics, and mathematics have equal weight in the JEE, but mathematics has an edge over the other two, as in the case of a tie in the overall score of two or more candidates, the mathematics score is considered the decisive factor. The topic is like the science king who lays the foundation for physics and chemistry. In almost all physics and chemistry issues, topics such as calculus, differential equations, and quadratic equations are used. IIT JEE Mains Maths Syllabus is a perfect combination of simple and challenging subjects. Many topics such as probability, trigonometry, differential calculus, circles and straight lines in algebra coordinate geometry, permutations and algebra combinations are always easy to crack in IIT JEE. These days are gone when students used to spend hours trying one problem. This is an age with issues and multiple choices. In the JEE exam, mathe...

IIT Chemistry Study Material Provided by Extramarks is Prepared by Experts

Here are some tips for students who are preparing for the  IIT Chemistry  Exam. As always, first of all, select the questions of those topics on which the student has good command and knows that he/she can solve them easily. Solving these questions in starting would give the student confidence. After solving these questions move to the numerical queries. Numerical problems are usually from Chemical Thermodynamics, Mole Concept, Solid State & Atomic Structure. Usually, the question is based on Molecular Orbital Theory is asked in the paper. These problems are quite simple to solve if one knows the concept and formulas to be applied. Knowing the right formula and concept can solve these problems very quickly. Questions of organic chemistry are slightly complicated and it would be a good choice to solve the question of organic chemistry at the end after finishing the question of inorganic and physical chemistry unless the student has a very good command on organic chemi...

IIT Chemistry Study Material and Much More Is Available on Extramarks

As felt by most of the aspirants, IIT Chemistry is the most scoring portion in IIT JEE Main. It's not wrong to say that, if students have conceptual clarity and have practiced a lot of relevant problems, they can easily score 80+ marks in this section. At this stage of time, a student's prime concern should be covering all the important topics of IIT Chemistry Syllabus as early as possible. And, then focusing on practicing and giving mock with simultaneous revision of important chapters and topics. Giving full-length mock tests and solving past year IIT Chemistry questions papers is extremely crucial. It will make students experience the exact exam environment. It will make them exam-ready by improving their time management skills.  IIT Chemistry was considered the easiest of all three papers in IIT JEE MAIN, with a difficulty curve similar to last year. The questions asked this year were more theory-based than calculative, making it the fastest subject to solve. The pap...

Learning Made Fun with Extramarks Study Application

The Joint Entry Exam (JEE) has become more competitive than ever. It is expected that more than 15 lakh students will enroll in JEE Main in 2019. Only a few thousand students can do this for the IIT. JEE's a must for online coaching. Virtual coaching from IIT JEE helped shape many of their dreams. Students interested in IIT JEE Online Training should have been considered one of the toughest entry tests in the world with Extramarks Live Classes (led by the IIT Joint Apex Board for admission to all IITs).AIEEE (which was administered by CBSE for admission to the Engineering Colleges run by the Central Government and a 15 percent quota in state-run engineering institutes) was one of the largest single-paper entrance examinations in the world until it was disbanded. Live Classes Extramarks is the perfect solution to low-cost training. Candidates will certainly find IIT JEE coaching fees much smaller than they are for daily coaching sessions. Nevertheless, the Extramarks tutors ' ...

Live Classes Conducted by Expert Teachers at Extramarks

JEE Advanced is one of the most successful and challenging entrance exams in the world, a title that has flourished over the past 60 years. Cracking JEE is a highly coveted dream, sought by many, and achieved by a very small group of people who redefine hard work and perseverance. Every student preparing for JEE knows that it will require careful thought and intense premeditation for every step he or she takes. Every JEE seeker wants to start on the right note with his journey. And the first thing to decide is what JEE coaching class they want to take. One of the best ways to prepare for JEE is the Extramarks Live Classes . It's a successful JEE cracking recipe, and choosing the institute will make aspirants realize their true potential. Unwavering commitment, commitment, and desire to excel come from within, but they do not matter unless they are complemented by the Extramarks Live Classes ' proper guidance, mentoring, and peer support. While hard work is not a replac...

Extramarks's Expert Faculty Making it the Best Coaching Centre Online for IIT

The Joint Entry Exam (JEE) has become increasingly competitive. More than 15 lakh students are expected to enroll in JEE Main in 2019. Only a few thousand students will be able to do this to the IIT. JEE Online Coaching is a must. IIT JEE Online Coaching helped shape many of their dreams. Students interested in IIT JEE Online Training should enroll with Extramarks: Best Coaching for IIT IIT JEE (led by the IIT Joint Apex Board for admission to all IITs) has always been considered to be one of the toughest entrance tests in the world. AIEEE (which was administered by CBSE for admission to the Engineering Colleges run by the Central Government and a 15 percent quota in state-run engineering institutes) was one of the largest single-paper entrance examinations in the world until it was disbanded. Extramarks: Best Coaching for IIT is also the perfect solution to low-cost coaching. Candidates are sure to find IIT JEE coaching fees much lower than they are for daily coaching sessions. Ne...

Get the Best Coaching for IIT JEE By the Experts at Extramarks

JEE Advanced, a title that has flourished in the last 60 years, is one of the most popular and challenging entrance exams in the world.  Cracking JEE is a very coveted vision, sought after by many, and accomplished by a very small group of people who are redefining hard work and perseverance. Each student who prepares for JEE knows that every step he or she takes will require careful thinking and intense premeditation. Every JEE seeker would like to start their journey on the right note. And the first thing he/she needs to decide is which JEE Coaching Class they want to take. The Best Coaching for IIT Online is Extramarks. It's a successful JEE cracking recipe, and choosing the institute will make aspirants realize their true potential. Unwavering commitment, determination and willingness to succeed come from within, but they do not matter unless they are complemented by the proper guidance, mentoring and peer support provided by Extramarks, Best Coaching for IIT JEE Online. Alt...

Extramarks: Best Online Coaching for Students to Wish to Crack IIT JEE Mains Examination

JEE Advanced, a name that has flourished in the last 60 years, is one of the most successful, demanding entrance exams in the world. Cracking JEE is a very coveted vision, sought-after by many, and accomplished by a very small group of people who are redefining hard work and perseverance. Every student who prepares for JEE knows that every step he/she takes will require careful thought and intensive premeditation. Each JEE seeker would want their journey to start on the right note. And the first thing he/she needs to decide is which JEE Coaching classes they want to take. The best IIT JEE Online Coaching is Extramarks. It’s a successful JEE cracking recipe, and choosing the institute will make the aspirants realize their true potential. Unwavering commitment, dedication and desire to excel comes from within, but they do not matter unless they are complemented by the proper guidance, mentoring and peer support provided by Extramarks,  Best Online Coaching for IIT JEE . Although ...

Get the Best Online Training and Coaching for IIT JEE Mains and Get into Your Dream College

The Joint Entry Exam (JEE) is becoming increasingly competitive. More than 15 lakh students are expected to enroll for JEE Main in 2019. Only a few thousand students will be able to do this to the IITs. IIT JEE Online Coaching has helped to shape many of their dreams. Students who are interested in online training with Extramarks for IIT JEE get the best team of coaching experts and direct them through their difficult journey. The Extramarks Faculty offers expert guidance to JEE Advanced Coaching by JEE Coaching Classes. IIT JEE (led by the IIT Joint Apex Board for admission to all IITs) has always been considered to be one of the toughest entrance tests in the world. AIEEE (which was administered by CBSE for admission to the Engineering Colleges run by the Central Government and a 15 percent quota in state-run engineering institutes) was one of the largest single-paper entrance examinations in the world until it was disbanded. Extramarks: Best IIT JEE Online Coaching is also the...