IIT Chemistry Study Material Provided by Extramarks is Prepared by Experts

Here are some tips for students who are preparing for the IIT Chemistry Exam.
As always, first of all, select the questions of those topics on which the student has good command and knows that he/she can solve them easily. Solving these questions in starting would give the student confidence. After solving these questions move to the numerical queries. Numerical problems are usually from Chemical Thermodynamics, Mole Concept, Solid State & Atomic Structure. Usually, the question is based on Molecular Orbital Theory is asked in the paper. These problems are quite simple to solve if one knows the concept and formulas to be applied. Knowing the right formula and concept can solve these problems very quickly.
Questions of organic chemistry are slightly complicated and it would be a good choice to solve the question of organic chemistry at the end after finishing the question of inorganic and physical chemistry unless the student has a very good command on organic chemistry.
It is always a good idea to solve the past 10 years of IIT Chemistry. Most of the questions are repeated in an indirect manner. This is truer for inorganic and organic chemistry than physical chemistry because in physical chemistry a lot of concept testing is involved. When students solve problems from past years IIT Chemistry, they would see a pattern in which questions/concepts are tested. In fact, with proper planning, can make chemistry as the most scoring subject out of all three in IIT JEE.


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